ALV Report using Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID

Scenario : Display List Details Of Data in Customer master for given field .

Procedure :-

Step 1. Go To SE38 . Create Program . & In Menu Bar Follow the path 
           Utilities→Display Object List . Then Create Screen Specify Details . 
           Go To Tab Flow Logic . 

Step 2. Press Layout . & Draw Custom Container .

Step 3.  Double Click on Drawn Container & Specify Name Of Attributes . Save &
            Activate .

Step 4. Close Screen Painter . Create PAI & PBO Modules .

Step 5. Create GUI Status .

Step 6. Now Create Program For ALV Class. Under User Command , Write 
           System Variables. & Provide  Data variables.

Step 7. Fetch Data From Table To Internal Table .

Step 8. Build the layout structure of the data to be displayed using the field 
           catalog Under Form & Perform .

Step 9. Under Module Status . Call  Class Methods 
              a. Create Object For Custom Container Container  & Pass Container   
              b. Create Object For Alv  & Pass Custom Object Name .
              c .Call the method to display the data.                        

Step 10. Save , Check & Activate .. Execute . It Shows List Of Details.



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