SAP logon is used to create icons to logon to SAP R/3. The SAP logon pad is available once the SAP GUI is installed at the workstation.
Step 1. Double-click on the Application Server (which you need to connect), from the SAP logon pad. The SAP logon screen appears.
Step 2. On the SAP logon screen,The value of the default client appears automatically. If you want to logon to a different client, then change it with the new client number. Next, enter the User ID and password assigned to you.Enter ‘EN’ in language to logon to English settings. Generally the language is defaulted to ‘EN’ or any other language depending on the country/users and installed languages. So, for English as the logon language, you need not have to enter it in the SAP logon screen, as it takes its values from the default settings. After filling up the four fields, press the Enter button to logon to the SAP system.
System Entry Properties :-
Description − Provide a meaningful short text for identifying the server. The server will be available in the SAP Logon pad with this name.
Application server − Provide the IP/Address of the application server, provided by the basis administrator.
System number and System ID − Give the system number provided by the basis administrator. It should be kept as 00, if nothing is specified.
SAP router string − Provide the SAP Router String, if provided by the basis administrator. Sometimes it may be left blank.
Steps To Create :-
Step 1. Double Click on SAP LOGON Icon on desktop
Step 2. Login Pad Will Open . Now Click on Create
Step 3. Click NEXT
Step 4. Fill Details Connection Parameter
Step 5. Once Details Gets Filled ..Click On Finish Button . We can See Created
Entry in Login Pad.
Logging onto R/3 :-
SAP Logon pad is used to configure the SAP server. The SAP GUI is used to connect the computer to the SAP system.
A SAP GUI can be of the following three categories −
- SAP GUI for Windows environment
- SAP GUI for Java environment
Follow the procedure given below to log onto the SAP server −
Launch the SAP logon pad.Step 1. Double-click on the Application Server (which you need to connect), from the SAP logon pad. The SAP logon screen appears.
Step 2. On the SAP logon screen,The value of the default client appears automatically. If you want to logon to a different client, then change it with the new client number. Next, enter the User ID and password assigned to you.Enter ‘EN’ in language to logon to English settings. Generally the language is defaulted to ‘EN’ or any other language depending on the country/users and installed languages. So, for English as the logon language, you need not have to enter it in the SAP logon screen, as it takes its values from the default settings. After filling up the four fields, press the Enter button to logon to the SAP system.
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