BDC Using Session Method

Requirement :
DESC = Material Description.
UOM  = Base Unit Of Measure.

Steps 1Understand requirement do simple Recording in Tcode SHDB. using 

Step 2.  Go to program & create selection screen file path , Internal table & 

Step 3. At selection screen value request call function module F4_filename . 
           This function module will take data from excel file to Internal table.

Step 4. Start of function module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP 
           This function module will take excel file into internal table.

Step 5. Call function module 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'  Pass session name , prog. id, 
           and user id.

Step 6. Loop at IT_data into WA_data . Refresh it_bdcdata into wa_bdcdata.
            Remove hard code values with excel values.

Step 7. Call function module 'BDC_INSERT'. Pass IT_BDCDATA & trans code &    

Step 8. Copy Code From Include  & Paste in Program.

                                          Edit Included Code with Program Data

Step 9. Call function module 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'.

Step 10. Save,Check & Activate. Execute. Choose XLS File.& Execute. Wait For 

Step 11.  Once Conversion Complete.  Go To Trans Code SM35 To Create 

Process/Foreground :- It will display All Screen . Once Material gets Created It                                    Will Show Processed Material in Processed Tab.
Display Errors Only  :   Error Gets Displayed in Incorrect Tab.
Background            : - Its Gets Process in Background . Can be seen In                                                Background Tab.

          Select Session & Click on Process. Choose Process/Background. & Click on Process.

MM01 Recording Screen Will come out. Now Using Recording Create material. Keep Pressing Enter.

Likewise Create Another Materials 


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