Print Graphics and Address using Smartforms.

Step 1. Go To Trans. Code SMARTFORMS. Provide form name. .
            Click On Create

Step 2. Form Attributes . Enter Description.

Step 3. Form Interface, Provide Import parameter.

Step 4.  Global Definition ,  declare Variables.

Step 5. Create Title Window.
              Right Click on pages and windows → Create → Window.

              Provide Window Name.  Provide Position & Size Values.

     It Can Be Set Manually , Click On Form Painter & adjust Position & Size.

                           Create Text For Title Window.
                      Right Click On Title → Create → Text.

                                Enter Text For Title in Text Editor.

Step 6. Create GraphicWindow.
           Right Click on Program & Windows → Create → Window. 
           Provide Window Name & Type.

                       Create Graphic For Graphic Window.
                          Import Graphic From PC To Sap.
 Go TO TCODE SE78 . Double Click on Bitmap Images. Enter Name Of Graphic . Choose  Type Of image ( Colour or Black and White)

Click On Import . Choose  image file from PC . Enter Graphic Name & Select Type . Press Enter. 

                         For Preview Of Imported File , Click Preview . 

                   Right Click Page & Windows → Create → Graphic.

Provide Name OF Graphic , Object & ID. Select Color Bitmap Image.Set Position & Size of Graphic Window.

Step 7. Create Flow Logic .
             Right Click on Main → Create →Flow Logic →Program Lines.

          Provide Input & Output Parameter. & Fetch Data From Database.

Step 8. Create Address .
Right Click Main → Create → Address. Provide Address Number. (&V_ADRNR&).

Set Position & Size Of main Window .
Step 9. Save Smartform , Check & Activate. Function Module is Created .
           Go To Environment → Function Module Name.

Step 10. Execute Smartform.

     Execute Function Builder. Provide Import Parameter Value. & Execute.

                             Provide OutputDevice Name.
                                For Print , Click on Print.
                         For Preview, Click On Print Preview.

                                        Print Preview.


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