Introduction Report

           A SAP report is an executable program that reads data from the database and generates output based on the filter criteria selected by the end user.
      Execution of a SAP report almost never leads to an update of the database.

Categories of SAP Reports  :-

1. Standard Reports  : - It is Provided by Sap Itself.

2. Custom Reports :- Developed By Manually

Concepts in Report Programming.

1. Variable  Declaration :-

    Variable Can Be Declared as Follows :-
    Data LV_X

2. Data Type 

   Type Of Data Can Be Represent as follows
   Data LV_X Type C.
   C → Character. (data Type)

3. Structure :-

    Structure is a Skelton Of Fields . Represent as
    Data : Begins Of Str ,
            End Of Str.
    STR-Field = '( Field Value) '

4. LOOP :-
   loop statement allows us to execute a statement or
   group of statements multiple times.
   Can Be Represented in program :-
   LOOP ......ENDLOOP.

5. Read Statement :-

    It is used to Search record in the Internal Table.
    Represented in Program as follows :-
    Read table (Internal Table Name) with key (Field   
    Name) = '( Field Value) '
    If SY-SUBRC = 0.
        Write (Internal Table Name)
    SY_SUBRC → Checks if record is found or not.
    If Value  = 0 → True.
                 ≠  0 →  False.

6. In case of IF….ELSE statements, if the expression 

   evaluates to true then the IF block of code will be 
   executed. Otherwise, ELSE block of code will be 
   The following syntax is used for IF….ELSE 
  <statement block 1>.  
   <statement block 2>.  

7. String :-

    The following declaration and initialization creates
    a string consisting of the word 'ABAP'. The size of
    the string is exactly the number of characters in  
    the word 'ABAP'. or Value Can be Set as much we
    Data sap_char(4) VALUE 'ABAP'.
    Char(4) → 4 is Value of String.


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