Display List Of Sales Documents Information Using Polymorphism Technique ( Global Class)

Scenario :- Get Details of Sales Documents For Given Sale Document number 
                 using Polymorphism technique.

Procedure :-

Step 1. Go To Tcode SE24 . & Create Polymorph Super Class .Specify Select & 
           Display Method.

Step 2. Under select Method , Provide Import & Export  Parameters 

Step 3. Under Display Method , Provide Export Parameter.

Step 4. Do Implementation Under Select Method.

Step 5. Do Implementation Under Display Method.

Step 6. Create SubClass For Polymorph .In Properties Tab , Specify Superclass 

Step 7. Go To Methods Tab . We can see Select & Display are already Exit . 
           Specify New Method .Now Put Cursor on Select Method Click On 
           Redefine .

Step 8. Do Implementation in Select Method

Step 9. Do Implementation in Retrieve Method .

Step 10. Create Table type For Internal Table .

Step 11. Provide Attributes . assign table type to internal table .

Step 12. Create Program For Polymorph Subclass.

Step 13 . Save , Check & Execute . Provide Input & Execute .

Step 14. Output.


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