Get Details Of Configuration & Area Of Home using Multiple Inheritance technique (Global Class)

Scenario :

Perform Multiple Inheritance using above Scenario 

Procedure  :-

Step 1. Create Interface For Home Configuration.
                Go To Tcode SE24 .& Enter Name of Interface & Create

               Provide Get  Methods & Return value Parameter for Configuration

Step 2. Create Interface For Home Area & Provide Methods & Returning Value 

Step 3. Create Class For Flat1 . Provide Interface Names

Step 4.  After Interface Integration .It Will Show Methods OF Interfaces. Now 
            Do Implementation in Each Methods

Step 5. Create Class For Flat 2 . & Provide Interfaces . & Do Implementation in 
           Each Methods

Step 6. Create Class For Home & Provide Get Method in Methods

Step 7. Provide Exporting Value Parameters.

Step 8. Do Implementation For Get Method

Step 9. After Finish , Save , Check & Activate . Execute Class home .

Step 10. Execute Method & It Gives Output


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