Internal Table

       Internal Tables are used to Store MULTIPLE Rows at a time during the execution of a Program Temporarily.

There are Two Types Of Internal Tables :

1. Internal Table With Header :-

 Data Will Flow First in Header , from header We Need to pass data to body.
Always header data gets printed . Clear Statement Clear Work area.

2. Internal Table Without Header:-
In Place of header there will be work area. There is no Header.
Syntax :-
  • Create Table Type
  • Create internal table
  • Create work area.
Create Table Type :-
Types :  begin of ty_it,
            material type matnr,
            plant type werks_d,
            crtby type ernam,
            crtdt type ersda,
            end of ty_it.

Create internal table & Work Area
Data : it type table of ty_it,
          wa type ty_it.


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