Interface To Get Details Information of Documents ( global class)

Scenario : Display the list of Purchase document details for given data Range. 

Procedure :-

Step 1. Go To Tcode SE24 . Provide interface name begin with 'ZIF_name' . & 
           Create Interface .

Step 2.  Provide Methods & Parameters .

Step 3. Create Class Interface & Enter name of created interface in interface 
   will show method in methods tab.

Step 4. Implement code in interface Select Method.

Step 5. Save , Activate & Execute . 
                                   Click on Search Data 

                                        Execute Select Method

                               Provide Input & Execute

                                   Click on View Content

                                       It Will Show Entries

Step 5. Create Program For Interface Class .

Step 6. Execute Program .Provide Input .& Execute again .

Step 7. Output.


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