Perform Bank Account Authentication using Friends Concept (Local Class)

                Certain Such Cases where a class would want access to other classes private attributes and methods in such scenario we can make use of the friends concept in classes.

Scenario :-
              Three classes has been defined SAVING_ACCOUNT ( BANK SAVING 
              Both account holder & other person class inherit from Saving Account class.
              Saving Account  Class  Define itself friend of Account holder so This Will Allow Account Holder To Access Private data of Saving account Class .

Perform Friends Operation For above example using Local Class.

Procedure :-

Step 1. Create Class Definition & Class Implementation For Saving Account.
                                              Class Definition

                                                             Class Implementation

Step 3. Create Inherited Class Definition & Class Implementation For Account

Step 4. Create Inherited Class Definition & Class Implementation For Other      

Step 5. Create Referral Object For Account Holder & Other Person Methods .& 
           Call Method To Display Amount.

Step 6. Save & Check . It Gives Error Bcz Other Person Don't Have Permission 
            to Withdraw bcz He is Not a Friend Of Saving Account . For Execution 
           Comment Withdraw Display Statement.

Step 7. Execute Program It Gives Following Output


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