Display Plant Data For Material Information in Dialog Programming.

Scenario :- Get Details Of Plant Data For Given Material Number.

Step 1. Create Module Program,  Include , First Screens , PAI Module(User 
           Command) and PBO module(Module Status)

Step 2. Create Second Screen For Display. Enter Description.

Step 3.  Design Layout For Secondary Screen.
                                  Go To Flow Logic → Layout.

                   Remove Table Name From Screen Painter Attributes. 
              (MARC-WERKS . Remove MARC from it). Save and Activate.

Step 4. Go To Flow Logic . Create Module Status For Second Screen .

                       Choose Include Location  and Continue. Save

                                    Enter Name OF GUI Status .

Step 5 . Create User Command For Display Screen . & Implement Code in Both
                                     For Screen 0100

                                                             For Screen 0101

Step 6. Create Object For Fetch Data . Double Click On Fetch Data, Choose Path
           & Say Yes.

Step 7. Create Object For Display .
              Go To Screen 0100 Flow logic , In PBO , Write  Display module.

    Double Click on Display_ data and Say Yes. Choose Path and Continue.

                                     Write Code For Display.

Step 8. Declare Variables & Create Internal Table in Include Program. & Save.

Step 9. Create Trans Code For Program.

Step 10. Save , Check & Activate. Execute Program.
                     Enter Material No. From Table.  Tap Display.

                      It Will Show Details W.r.t  Material number.


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