Display Input Screen For material In Dialog Programming.

Create Input Screen In Dialog Programing.

Step 1. Go to trans SE80 Provide programe name .Press Enter . Click Yes To 
            Create Object. In Create Program Screen , Press Enter. or Continue.

Step 2.  Press enter it will ask to include name provide top include name. 
            (top including used to stored data declaration). Keep top at the last as
             it is. Continue . Include Will Be Created.

Step 3. Right click on Programme . Click On Screen & provide screen number , 
           Description  & Save. .Go to Flow logic → Layout & design screen. Save 
           Screen Painter and Activate.

                                        Select Screen Type is Normal

Step 4.  Create object for Status . Double Click On Status  and . Click Yes. & 
            Select Include Location and Save.

                                 Status is Created in PBO Module .

Step 5. Create GUI Status .
                        Right click on Programme.Select GUI Status

                           Provide GUI Status name and Text and Continue.

                              Provide Function keys. & Save.

Step 6 . Set PF Status in PBO Module . Enter Name Of GUI Status .

Step 7.  Create Module USER_COMMAND . Do  Coding Based on SY-UCOMM
             Go to Screen →  Flow Logic . Uncomment Module user command & 
             Double Click on User Command .Say Yes.

                                   Select path and Enter. Save.

                            PAI Module Created. Now Do Coding under user Command

Step 8. Create Trasaction For Program.Right Click Program & Select Transaction.

                                           Provide Details.

                   Provide Program name and Screen Number. & Save .

Step 9. Right Click Program. Check For Error and Activate Program . Go To 
           Transaction and Execute Program.

                          Screen For Material Input is Shown On Screen .


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