Implement BDC using Call Transaction Method.(Recording MM01)
Scenario :- Create material For Given Material Datasheet using    
                 BDC Technique .

DESC = Material Description.
UOM  = Base Unit Of Measure.

Step 1. Understand requirement do simple Recording.
            Go To Transaction SHDB , Click New Recording .

In Create Recording Window , Enter Recording name and Transaction Code. 

         Now Create Material & Provide Description & save .
After Creation Of Material , Recording gets completed it will Show All Recording Steps

                                   Click Process and Press Enter.

It Shows Steps Which During Recording Created  .Keep Taping Enter.

After Steps end  , It will Show message your Material is Created.

Now Go back  To Previous Screen , Save the Recording .

Now Select Created  Recording Name From list .Click Program .Enter BDC Program Name and Select Transfer From recording & Continue . Provide Title , Type and Click Source Code . ABAP Editor will Open.

Step 2. Create Selection Screen , Variable and Internal Tables.

Step 3 . At Selection Screen Value Request , Call Function Module F4_filename .
            This Function Module Will Take Data From Excel File Into Internal Table.

Step 4. Start Of Selection .Call Function  Module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP.
           This Function Module Will Take Data From Excel File Into Internal Table.

Step 5 . Loop At Internal Table. Remove Hard Coded Values With Excel File Data.
            Call transaction 'Tcode'

Step 6.  Double Click Include  bdcrecx1.

                         Copy Include Code & Paste in Program.

Edit Included Code With Program data. ( Uncomment Include  bdcrecx1. No Use Later )

Step 7. Save ,Check & Activate. Execute.  Choose Xls File From PC. & Execute.

Step 8. Create Material using Recording.
           MM01 Recording Screen will Display . Enter & Select View & Continue.
MODE 'A' (All Screen Mode)

                                                                Press Enter

                                       Press Enter 


                                                          Press Enter

                                 First Material  Is Created.

                       Do it Same For Other . & Create Material.

 Now Try Another Mode.

MODE 'N' (Background)

Material Will Be Processed in Background.& Its gets Created .
Execute Program  & Select File From PC & Execute .

MODE 'E' (Error Screen Mode).

We have missing base unit measure in follwing sheet . Select this file & Execute.

It Will Display Screen Directly where Entry is missing  & Notify as a Error message. To Overcome This Enter missing Entry & save . Material Will be Created .


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